Monday, February 26, 2007

Things I find interesting...

1. The guy that cut me off and gave me a nasty look while I was driving to the gym had a "In God We Trust" license plate. (And God bless you for being rude to me sir).
2. I saw an empty cigarette box littered in the parking lot.... of the GYM!
3. (This is my personal favorite) H2 Hummers with evironmental license plates.
4. (On the same note...) Thinking of all of the SUV's, limo, etc. that shuttled celebrities to the Oscars while Leonardo DiCaprio thanked Al Gore for making us more aware of global warming.

There are more but I can't think of them right now...


Blogger E.A.P said...

I find it interesting that Leo said the ceremony had "gone green," but they dropped confetti at the close of the show. THEY DROPPED THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF DECORATIVE SCRAPS OF PAPER ON THE ATTENDEES. Does anyone even really like confetti? It gets stuck in your hair and clothes and travels out on your shoes and leaves a giant mess for the cleaning staff. The producers can't control what cars the celebrities use to arrive at the ceremonies, but they can control whether they litter the room with gold paper and then make actors say lines about how they're all "green." GAH.

12:06 AM, February 28, 2007  

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