Thursday, February 15, 2007
Guess what kids?!?! It's my blog-o-versery! Can you believe it? I made it a year. A whole year of entertaining the Blogosphere (or at least the 5 of you that read this). It seems I should blog about something exciting or tell some hilarious story or something, but i totally have writer's block. I have for a while now. About a week ago I wrote an emotionally charged post about some stuff going on in my life. After talking to my "advisers," I've (at least for the time being) decided not to post it.
So here's the question pose to you, my dedicated readers, where's the line? Different people blog for different reasons. Some use it as a teaching outlet. Some use it for business purposes. There are a lot of other reasons, but most people I know blog for a combination of two reasons, to share there life with others and as a personal journal. I fall into this combined category. I've tried to keep journals before but have never been successful. I think part of the reason that i have managed to keep this blog going for a year is because of my dedicated readers, (because when I don't post for a while I get yelled at). But where do you draw the line between personal journal, and entertainment for the blogosphere.
I strive to keep a certain level of anonymity to my blog. The people who know me know who the other people I blog about are, but if a stranger randomly stumbles upon my blog they are unlikely to find my name, where I live, who my friends are, where I work, etc. This gives me a fair amount of freedom when I write. But what happens when I want to write something more personal? If I have a fight with the boyfriend (which never actually happens) is it fair to blog about it knowing that our mutual friends read it? If something is going on at work and I want to vent, should i do it, knowing that both of the owners, and some co-workers read it? If I think one my friends does something stupid, do i get to share that with the world (and their other friends who read this?)
This is an outlet for me, yet somehow I'm beginning to feel stifled. I would hope that people reading my blog could understand that sometimes I write when I'm emotionally charged. If someone read something that upset them, I would hope they would come to me and discuss it. Unfortunately, I don't think that is reality. Ideally my life would be an open book (or ebook as the case may be). I am a very open person and don't like to hide things. I feel like I should be able to write about anything I want to, but is writing about my personal life somehow crossing the line?
These aren't hypothetical questions people, I'm seeking insight from you. Please share!
On a happier note... Happy blog-o-versery to me! Happy blog-o-versery to me! Happy Blog-o-versery dear mmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Happy blog-o-versery to me!! HUZZAH!!!! I rock! You Rock! We all rock! Also, big props to Rica for updating my banner for me! sweet action! she rocks too!
As a side note, the Quitter has introduced me to the music of T.I. He's a rapper. I finding it amusing that i like him, but I do. I'm terrified! Ok. I'm done now! I await your responses.
No props necessary. They were your pictures anyway! Okay, props to you for the sweet pics!
Also props on holding out for a whole year. I can't honestly say that I knew all along you'd stick it out, but I know that was what I hoped for you, so bravo. Keep posting!
I know how you are feeling as far as the personal/sharable aspect of this part of your life.
Back when I had no job, and no life, I probably spent a little too much time spilling my guts to the internet. I cringe at some of the posts from then, and toy around with deleting them. Because while they brought in all kinds of support, they also flung open doors that I didn't even think about.
To me, my blog is something to have fun with. Occassionally I play around with the idea of sharing something deeper with my readership. But then I think back.
Conclusion: My blog is just for fun. If I have something serious to talk about, I will be giving y'all a call.
I would be very curious to hear Rica's thoughts on this. I think she could offer the other side of the story.
Sorry it's taken me so long to reply. I missed your request for more info until now, Plankiest, but I'll tackle it now.
Honestly, I didn't talk about this in my previous comment because it's a very personal decision. When I first began my blog, few of my friends and family even knew what that word meant. I told a few people because I enjoyed writing it so much, and I'm a terrible correspondent, so I figured they could catch up on my life more regularly this way. Eventually, the secret was out and now my parents, siblings, in-laws, extended family, high-school/college friends, coworkers, bosses, and random strangers all have contact with personal musings on a fairly regular basis. I, too, have a combo personal journal/sharing blog. I have touched on serious emotional and spiritual issues before, but it's irregular for me to do that. Sometimes it's been freeing to disclose. I've talked about my depression and gained valuable insight and support through comments, phone calls, or emails spurred by my posts. Other times, I've felt attacked by people who visit the site and comment about me.
I've been less open about where I live, my friends' names, my feelings about my job or personal relationships. Some things are private and ought to remain so. Other things are a judgment call - if my 14-yr-old sister-in-law happens on my blog, would it be okay if I tell this story or link to that website? I've linked to websites with profanity and suggestive situations in their humor or drama, but I rarely employ those things in my posts. Sometimes I don't share a thought because it's risque, and I'm not sure I want to be identified with that to the world - I'll do it with my friends but not with the random public. Other times, I feel like sharing will be something I might regret later, so I avoid the subject.
I guess that's the point: It's confusing and layered, and wherever you draw the line, it will be somewhat arbitrary. Lots of times I've gotten stuck in my posts because I want to share something but I'm not sure I should. I tend to err on the side of caution because I find that safer. Plus I'm married to a paranoid. He's alredy a little twitchy from some of my posts, poor fella.
Bottomline: You can share or not as you see fit. My one wish for you and this site: many happy returns.
Never ever blog negatively about work. You can get fired for that.
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