Wednesday, December 20, 2006
So many blogs
As is typical for this time of the year... life has been crazy! Luckily for me, it's been pretty much good crazy. However, because of the craziness, i haven't really had the time (or motivation) blog. As a result many events that truly deserve their own post are getting crammed into one. In an effort to be fair to the events of my life, I've decided to give this post multiple titles so that each event feels equally important. That having been said....
I Got My Hair Did!
I had been bored with the old "do" for a while and decided it was just time for something new. I won't lie... it was somewhat motivated by the company Christmas party and the need to look FABULOUS. So armed with pics of what i wanted, i was off to see the hair god. And here's what happened...
I LOVE IT!!! This is honestly the first time in my life that i feel like it's actually worth doing my hair in the morning. I was blessed/cursed with straight hair. As in the kind that no amount of hair spray could even make it hold a curl for more than a couple hours. So the morning routine for most of my life has been wash, condition, brush, let air dry. I've never really used much product except in the winter and that's been strictly to minimize static. Until this hair cut i could probably count on one hand the number times i've used a hair dryer in the last year and i can guarantee that the hair god has used a flat iron on my hair more than i ever had. (i had to go buy one the day i got my hair cut because.... oh i didn't own one!) Now i religiously dry, apply goo, and flat iron and i don't care that it takes me longer in the morning because i LOVE it! Yea for fun hair!
Girls, Drinks, and Finales
Last Friday i finally had the much anticipated series finale party. Over the last several months i've been working my way through the Sex in the City DVD's (dvd's courtesy of the Quitter) I was approaching the end but had been instructed that i wasn't allowed to watch the finale alone (the Quitter wanted to watch it with me). It seemed like a great excuse for a party. Will and I hosted and the Quitter, K-dog, and Simmonds (Weebles' mom) came over. My aunt and our neighbors from across the street joined us later in the evening. We watched the series finale of Will and Grace, Friends, and Sex in the City. We had yummy munchies and experimented with Cosmo recipes (if anyone has a good one, please let me know). I enjoyed all 3 shows, though Friends will probably always be my favorite. Bottom line, it was lots of fun.
The Fit is GO!
If you don't know what that means, you should watch this. Or this. So, I've had my eye on this car for almost a year now. It's a 2007 model but it came out in early 2006. It's the PERFECT car for me. I've looked at other cars like it, and NOTHING compares, a couple things came close... but they just aren't the same. After the purchase of my last car (i got totally screwed) i was ready to play hard ball when i got ready to buy my next car. I decided it was time to check out the cute little Fit. I find out checking them out is practically impossible. They are wildly popular and are almost always sold before they even make it to the lot (so much for playing hard ball... you pay what they ask and you like it!) My best bet was to put a deposit down and wait 2-3 months until the one i wanted came in. Even though the deposit was 100% refundable, i wasn't really excited about the idea of putting money down on a car i hadn't driven.
A couple months later the sales guy calls to tell me that the dealership finally got smart and got a Fit that is strictly for test driving - not for sale. I go in to drive it and of course fall even more in love with the perfect car. I continued to resist the urge to put money down and wait. Then, the phone rings, there is a Blue Fit Sport (exactly what i wanted) just delivered and no one has laid claim yet. I proceed to freak out. I'm not really ready to buy yet (trying to save a little more to keep payments lower), but my current car is fading fast and i'm just not sure it's going to make it through the winter on the interstate. I ponder and number crunch for a full day before finally caving and going to buy my new car!!! She's so PRETTY!!!! I love her! She's FABULOUS!!!! The picture post will be coming soon. I HAVE A NEW CAR!!!!
Final Mission
When I was a kid one of my favorite parts of Christmas (besides of course the presents and the Chocolate chip pancakes that daddy made for breakfast) was when we had real Christmas trees in the house. (Mom and Dad used a rotation system. One year we had a real tree, the next year we used the fake one) I love the smell of real trees. I don't care that i have to vacuum every day and stop the cats from trying to climb it, i just LOVE it.
Last year we moved into the house right before Thanksgiving. We didn't do the tree thing because it was just too much to try to handle. This year I was determined to get a tree. And i wasn't having a fake one. I was all excited about having my own real tree in my house. There was only one problem. I just bought a new car and there was no way i was gonna strap a Christmas tree to the top of it.
Will's car has had a desk strapped to the top of it at one point. But he wasn't excited about strapping a Christmas tree to the top of it. So, dutiful old car had one last mission to accomplish.
Who needs a truck when you have a 1996 Honda Accord with 160k miles on it?
Football and Perfection
The Colts played the Cincinnati Bengals on Monday night football this week. I of course couldn't miss that game. Everything was going great there were a couple mistakes made by the Colts, but all in all they were playing great. Okay... I could drag this out.... but ... i can't! Matthew McConaughey was at the game. Matthew McConaughey!!!!! The most perfect male specimen on the planet! After scoping him out with the binoculars, Belle (the girl playing Belle in Beauty and the Beast with the Doctor) noticed that he had left the booth he was in. Nothing more needed to be said, we were out the door and running around the suite level to where he was, camera phone in hand. We got there just as he was walking out of the booth and into one of the suites. I managed to snap a quick pic (though it's not that great) before he disappeared into the suite. A stupid body guard prevented me from tackling him. But i got to see him!!! I was probably about 2 feet away from him. And he was BEAUTIFUL. Belle and I meandered back to the suite high on lust, and tried to focus on the game. It was mostly useless. There were phone calls to be made, picture messages to be sent, and of course the occasional "We saw Matthew McConaughey!!!!" comments to be made. Did i mention he's beautiful?
Oh... in case you're wondering the Colts won! But mostly, I saw Matthew McConaughey!!!!
Well, there ya go. So many blogs in one! Consider yourself updated!
Sweet, satisfying post. ROCK!
Also rockin' out: your hair. LOVES IT.
Also, also rockin' out? Us. Together. Next week.
Sweet, indeed.
So you know how I said I was going to read this post about a million days ago? Didn't.
Too crazy busy.
But....Reading this has reminded me all over again. That. I. Hate. You.
Love-The Quitter
Ok... I know you hate me in general? But what from this post makes you hate me?
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