Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Things That Must Die: a rundown of inanimate objects/concepts that need to be done in.
Many posts ago i sought inspiration from my dedicated readers. While I clearly have MASSES of readers sitting on the edge of their seats anguishing about when i will again grace them with a post, only one of you felt it appropriate to try to inspire me by leaving suggestions for writing topics. Therefore, I would like to, with great gratitude, dedicate this post to Rica.
Things that must die:
1. Most annoying thing on the planet ~ bathroom fans! I know this sounds a little crazy, but seriously i CANNOT stand the sound of them. You would think with all the technology we have today someone would invent a silent bathroom fan. (And someone probably has, but it's probably waaaaay more than i'm willing to pay for it. Plus then i would have to make Will install it. And he would make me sit there and talk to him while he does it. And let's be honest, i don't really like to talk to him that much. ~ wow, I can't even type that without laughing) Seriously at disgustingly early hours of the morning (that's anything before noon) i shouldn't have to make the decision between listening to an incessant whirring sound or not being able to see myself in the mirror.
2. My cable company's version of a DVR. TiVo you are NOT. TiVo is fabulous! Stupid Insight DVR box... STUPID!!! Zero consistency. I hate it. Don't get me wrong, i still use it on occasion when there are 2 shows on at the same time (CSI and Grey's Anatomy) but i do it with extreme caution.
3. The hard core plastic wrapping that many products come in anymore. Who came up with that stuff? It shouldn't be that hard to get to a memory card for your camera! It's a memory card, not a bazooka.
4. People who drive the speed limit in the left lane. It's a PASSING LANE PEOPLE. That means if you are in it, you should be passing people not the other way around. Big pedal on the right! It's there for a reason. If you choose not to break the law by speeding that's your own business, but do it in the proper lane!
5. American Tradition paint from Lowes. I mistakenly strayed from Behr and the Depot in a desperate attempt to paint my office. NEVER AGAIN! I'm a dedicated Behr girl now. It should never take 4 coats of paint to do anything. That's all i'm saying!
6. Wal-mart. Pay your employees a decent wage and give them medical benefits for crying out loud. I do respect their movement toward going green, but what good does a better environment do if your employees are too sick to enjoy it because they have no health coverage?
7. Starbucks. I won't deny that some of your drinks are decent, but do you have to drive EVERY mom and pop coffee shop off the planet. Also, if you are going to claim to be fair trade, do it and do it right.
8. Parents pressuring their 3 years olds to be better at .... (fill in the blank... piano, soccer, singing, dancing, gymnastics, etc) They're children and they deserve a childhood.
9. The concept that the U.S. is the perfect country and everyone should do it our way. Clearly we as nation are pretty screwed up, so what makes us believe that we should make every other country just like ours? I guess misery loves company. I know this isn't a popular opinion, but as much as I enjoy Democracy, it's just not for everyone. Even if it could work, we're not the mediators of the world. We shouldn't try to force it.
Ok, this post started somewhat amusing and then got kinda serious. Sorry! It's just the way it goes sometimes. This was a fun little rant though. Thanks again to Rica for the idea.
Dont you hate when you start a blog thinking it will be light and airy and it turns dark and mean by the end. I always ask "What the H happened here?"
I dont think bathroom fans are the most annoying thing in the world. That is peopel who contantly rub their fork, knife and/of spoon together. I know i am a freak but nothing cuts through me like that. I would rather somoene run fingers across a chalkboard.
Second, you should just suck it up and get a new TiVo where you can record two things at once. I LOVE MINE!!!!!! ahh TiVo =) sorry needed a minute to be happy. NO DVR that i have seen has been as good at TiVo. Dont you find it funny that we spell TiVo the right way on here?
The plastic is very annoying I will agree. People not know how to drive is annoying as all get out, but i bitch about that enough, i wont here. Now, as for the paint, I think red is a hard color and it isnt so much the paint, although it did suck but it was the people selling it. They should have told us that we needed a primer. I think that would have helped us immensly in finsihing in i dont know three coats. I do think it could us another coat of it at some point.
Wally world and starbuck, yea they just suck. For different reasons and i would go to star bucks before i would walmart.
You know how i feel about parents. "I swear, if you dont stop right now, on the next commercial break i will go to the bathroom, refill my drink and then you will be in big trouble Mr, assuming that the show hasnt returned" ahh parenting in america
America is the perfect country, what are you talking about. In what other country can the party that claims to stand for family values, let members of its own party, contact underage men with inappropriate language and then ignore it for the sake of holding on power? thats a great country.
I am moved beyond words that you would dedicate this post to me. The fact that I was the only candidate in no way diminishes that.
Re: annoying things? I'd say the amount of trees destroyed so people could send me junk mail. Oh, and TSA security measures that don't really make us more secure but do inconvenience lots of people, like HELLO, I want my damn lipbalm on the plane. Republican asshattery is up there, too. Yeah, you guys pretty much covered the bases.
WOW! all i have to do is complain a little bit and people post comments?!?! I can complain! But i've done enough of that for this post. Soooo....
1. I know i need to get a new TiVo, but it's just not worth it as long as my current one is functioning.
2. I don't want to talk about paint and that room ever again.
3. God bless America!
Please don't get me started on TSA! I'm still trying to figure out how my lip gloss and Tide pen to go are so dangerous. That was my favorite lip gloss too!!!! And honestly, do you feel any safer now than you did in '01? Cuz... I don't. But that could be a whole post in itself.
IronChemist (The Reverand)
You bring up a very valid point about the kids. What's the right balance? Why is it that some kids will never be able to please their parents because the standard has been set so high? Yet so parents are perfectly content to let their children waste away in front of a tv or playstation? And neither group of parents will take responsibility when there kids start doing drugs or getting into trouble. Oh I feel another rant coming... I should stop now.
Moving to another continent? Let me think about that... OK! My vote is Australia... SURFING!!! But I think we should just pick a new country every year... we could be nomads!
Yeah, I'm definitely feeling you on the people who think America are the be-all-end-all country. I've been in the UK almost a month now, and I'm telling you they do a lot of things okay here. The customer service, internet, cell phones, tv, those are kind of crap, don't get me wrong, but there's tons of recycling, they have a wonderful definition of "intensive work", and the accents are heaven.
Okay, something that irritates me?
People who refuse to take the plastic wrapping of the windshield wiper on their rear window.
Come on. The car is new. We get it.
Take the damn plastic off the damn wiper.
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