Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Age Old Question....
(Well, as long as you consider time since the invention of the iPod to be "Age Old...")
Question: What's the most embarrassing song on your iPod?
Answer: Where do I start? (Don't you love it when people answer a question with a question?)
In order to make this a little more fun... let's have some categories..
Songs/Artists that your friends think you should be embarrassed by... but you totally love and don't care what anyone thinks!!
1. Anything by Britney Spears. I think 90% of people are Britney fans (except for the recent nastiness that she has become) but are too embarrassed to admit it. I on the other hand am proud to say that I'm a Britney fan. (though i do wish she would leave that skeez K-Fed!)
2. Natasha Bedingfield - I'm not really a huge fan of the stuff she has out on the radio, but for some reason i opted to buy the CD. (when i say "buy" I mean pay $2.79 to cover shipping charges from BMG) I really like the CD. She's got a couple of really good ballads as well as really fun dance song.
3. Cheap trick - Just one song.... "I want you to want me" I LOVE this song. Can't help it, just do.
Song I Really am Embarassed by
1. Hilary Duff - Come Clean. Why... WHY do i have to like this song?!?!?!?!
Artists that make me think, "What could i have possibly been thinking when i defiled my poor innocent iPod with this?" (Another name for this category could be... "Things I should delete immediately)
1. Enrique Iglesias - I'm all for Latin men... but talented ones for crying out loud!
2. Sugar Ray - Their self titled album. What happened to them??! They used to rock out! And Now.... UGH!!
Things I didn't even know were on my iPod until i scrolled through it to write this post. (I'm fairly sure that most of these can be blamed on Will. Meaning he put them on my iPod without my knowledge.)
1. Clay Aiken - I only have one song, "Invisible" I don't know where it came from and while I have heard it on the radio, I'm not really and Aiken fan... so I don't know why I have it.
2. INXS - Album name: Switch - Haven't listened to a single song. Don't know a thing about it, i feel like i should listen to it though.
3. Levi Kreis - I know for sure that Will is responsible for this one. If I remember right this guy was on the Apprentice and Will thought he was great and bought his album, guess i should give it a shot.
4. Nick Lachey - This would have gone under the "Song I Really am Embarassed by" category... except i didn't know i had it!
Well... that's it for now. I've shared my deep dark music secrets. I know that almost everyone who reads my blog has an iPod or similar device. So... while your blasting my musical choices in the comments section, I expect you to leave your hidden music secrets as well!
What is the most embarassing song on my Ipod? That is soooo easy.
Hansen "Mmmbop" How is that for embarassing?
I have to agree with the songs that your friends that are embarassing but they really are not because they are good. Listen people. You know you are Britney fans. I dont need you to admit it to me but at least admit it to yourself. Someone is buying the albums, watching the interviews and buying the magazines.
Ok So you yea, Hilary Duff is embarassing, but that song is sooo freaking catchy. Oh i thought of another one that i am sooooooo embarassed to have defile my poor ipod but again the song is catchy.
Paris Hilton "Stars are blind" Isnt it amazing what a great producer and a great computer program can do. I wonder when Fran Dresher is coming out with her album. If Paris can, then Fran's should be good.
As for the songs I put on there. You have to give INXS and Levi a chance. Levi is awesome. INXS is a pretty good album too. As for the other two, i dont believe i put them on there but you never know. Dont go knocking my music. You made me listen to stuff that i didnt want to like, Missy and Natasha so give Levi a chance! Peace Out!
FYI, Blogger just dumped my comment. AM. SO. MAD.
Oh, and I'm not a Britney fan. Put me down in your fabled 10% because I've never liked her sorry, computer-generated voice. Makes me twitchy. And I don't care if she DID french kiss Madge.
1. Crappy Christian Rock from back-in-the-day. If one were to consider the admissions rates for colleges as an analogy, Xian Rock would be a community college and Secular Pop would be Ivy League. Okay, slight exaggeration, but it's still alarming. Plus when you hear another syrupy song about a boy on secular radio you move on, but Xian rock makes you feel guilty if you don't raise your hands in worship when a Emo flunky says his guitar makes him think of the Lord.
2. Mobile Lilith Fair Syndrome (MLFS) - I have lots of girly rock on my iPod. Lots. My understanding husband even comments on it.
3. To be fair, he's got a lot of gangsta rap. He's too white to get a pass for that. It makes me think of the commuting scene from Office Space.
4. The Mona Lisa Smile soundtrack. The movie was so blah, but the music is big band standards, so I think I get a pass. Please?
This list would be much longer and much more embarrassing if I actually had it in front of me. Thanks for the inspiration and embarrassment.
Ok, So I was thinking about it today on campus as I walked to class listening to Hanson. What is worse, putting the embarassing songs (the ones you are truly embarassed to have) on your Ipod, or not skipping them and singing along as they play. I walked alon for a good minute and a half, singing in my head, MmMbop. That is truly embarassing.
Grace, you know that when, Hilary comes up, you sing it.
So, whats worse, Defiling your Ipod with the song, or actually liking that they are on there and singing them as they play? I mean putting them on there can be said to be a mistake but singing along, what does that say?
Rica, My dear, just admit that you are a fan of Britney, I am talking Britney, Pre-ghetto Kevin days when she was a GREAT performer. never a great singer but a performer. This is a safe place and we wont make fun of you, unless you want to continue with the "i'm not a Britney fan" line, then we reserve the right to ridicule you because someone has to like the music, Grace and I have power but not that much. Also, the fact that you meantioned it first, shows you are guilty of something, trying to hide it by coming right out to deny it. So just admit it, eh?
Will, you asked for it.
Firstly, I responded to the Britney comments in the post at the outset because I felt them perpheral to the discussion and did not wish them to be the final impression of my comment. My high school English teacher always emphasized that a strong, relevant conclusion was important to hitting home your message. I happen to think she was right.
RE: Great performer? Possibly. I never went to a show, bought a CD, nor even watched a music video all the way through, other than "Oops! I Did It Again" because it was played every 15 minutes on MTV in 2000 in Argentina and I was soaking in all the English I could get into my over-taxed brain.
Regarding your assertions (and those of this blog's host) that someone has to like Britney's music and that someone must be me, then let me unleash my Philosophy BA and see what it can yield by way of counter-argument.
Your argument could be summarized in syllogistic fashion like so:
Premise: All famous pop stars are liked by their fans.
Premise: Britney is a famous pop star.
Conclusion: Erica is a Britney fan.
The conclusion very obviously does not flow from the premises and this argument is therefore neither sound nor valid. You COULD conclude that "Some people are Britney fans." but to pin it down to me, you'd have to have to include a true premise that "Erica is a liker of Britney" for which you have NO evidence. You might try to muster evidence such as my possession of her albums or pictures of her or my having watched her movie "Crossroads." Ah, but none of those things can be said of me, so you have absolutely no evidence to back up your premise, which is therefore untrue, which therefore makes this syllogism INVALID.
I should note that this syllogism is not strictly translated as I am rusty. Having a BA in Philosophy is pretty much useless if you don't teach with it, write with it, or pull it out to stymie your friends when you're feeling ornery over their good-natured ribbing. I would be wasting my entire collegiate education if I did not avail myself of my degree to defend my honor. And to piss y'all off.
OMG! Where do I begin? First of all, I totally want to post about this myself. But I won't, because everyone who reads my blog reads your blog.
So, on to the embarrassment. I am with you E-Chi, on the whole Christian music front. I am still hard-core in love with DC-Talk. Even C-Los makes fun of me for it.
Up next would be 'nsync. Can't help it. Then there's Billy Idol. And of course, Britney Spears.
Coolio-Gangster's Paradise. The worst part of this is I blast my car speakers when it comes on. This is embarrassing for any rap song that is on my iPod.
Also? Eminem has a large chunk of space on the iPod.
The Rent soundtrack always makes for interesting conversation.
Salt n' Pepa's Shoop.
The Bangles: Eternal Flame.
And that's about it. Luckily I have some obscure taste in music, otherwise my shame list would be a lot longer.
Quitter ~ I need to come steal some of your music. Some of those are pretty embarrassing but I'm jealous that you have them and I don't. Is that sad? Oh... Rent soundtrack... not embarrassing... makes me a little sad that you would even imply that.
Rica ~ Is it hard to live in a world of denial? I mean really, just because you pull out big fancy words that no one else understands doesn't mean that you are adequately defending yourself. And really... when you have to use philosophy to protest your love of a pop icon, don't you think that falls under... I don't know... OVER COMPENSATION!! And even if (and that's a big if) I believed that you truly don't like her, it would be because you've never given the poor girl a chance. Seriously, one music video? We're talking about Britney Spears not Ashlee Simpson. What warm-blooded American (or not American for that matter) girl born in the 1980's doesn't love her? Even if they love to hate her (because they want to be her - again this is all pre-K-Fed). I think maybe you avoided her at all costs because you know that you'll be sucked in like the rest of us normal people. Even the Quitter admits she's a fan. Join the ranks! Fess up!
Plankiest - I have to agree with Grace here. How can you say that the rent soundtrack is embarassing? Thats the second time you have said sometime like that, and i dont like, dont like it one bit. Its a great soundtrack.
Rica - Again, have to agree with Grace here. But you were WAY to forceful in you arguement. Your telling me that you have only seen one music video and nothing else from her. A. Even in Argentina, I find that hard to believe. B. Give her a chance (if you truely havent seen anything else) Ooops is not her best work and you should not define her by that. When her first album came out MTV played her songs all the time, you might rememeber that as when MTV played some music videos.
Ok, So I have a lot of problems with your Premises because they are not fulling highlighting my argmuent. Plus i was never stating that i knew you were a fan or owned an album but i find it hard to belive in the celebrity-centered world we live in where someone is on TV all the time and has songs played on the radio that you have never listened to a song and liked it or watched a performance and enjoyed it.
There is strong circumstancial evidence that you would be and should be a fan. It is popular in our society to bash people like Britney who has made some mistakes but yet secretly like them. I hate Paris Hilton but her damn song is catchy. If it starts to play, RUN AWAY! or it will suck you in. But anyway, circumstancial evidence does not always prove a face but given enough, it can show "beyond a reasonable doubt". My hypthesis that you are a liker of britney is only enhanced by your overly strong denials
Thanks, have a great day!
Okay, in defense of my Rent soundtrack embarrassment.
Can you imagine sitting in your car with a friend, and one of their voicemail messages comes on in shuffle?
How do you explain that? Especially if they have never seen it before?
They are like "what in the world?"
So nyah.
Plankiest - Did you talk to Grace before you wrote that? If you didnt, thats freaky.
I can understand that i guess but that shouldnt be considered embarassment!
Okay, yes, employing syllogistic logic is a bit excessive, but I refer you to Dirty Dancing and the phrase "Nobody puts Baby in a corner!"
I don't like Britney Spears. I reserve the right NOT to like her, and your relentless desire to put me in her fandom feels just a wee bit, I don't know, intolerant? Obnoxious? Over-the-top?
Oh, and the Rent soundtrack isn't embarrassing. Owning and loving Evita is pretty darn embarrassing. What can I say? I love Antonio Banderas and Madonna! Guilty as charged.
Owning and loving Evita is not bad. Antonio and Madonna, Duh! You could do a lot worse than Evita, we should all be more proud of our embarassing music.
As for us being over the top, Never! well alright, maybe a little, But you have met Grace (you dont really know me but she and I are similar in that aspect but she is MUCH worse) We are intolerant of those who dont agree with us, because well, they are just wrong. the world would be a better place, if everyone agreed with me and did what i wanted. And i also had my own lane to drive places in. We are trying to bring people over to the religion of Britneyism. We are a small but dedicated group and we are a lot of fun. You should just join the bandwagen, be the first to sign up for this great oppertuinity, do you want to look back one day and say to yourself, i could have been mixed up with those wierdos and i am not. I dont think so!
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