Friday, July 07, 2006

Time Flies

You ever feel like time is whizzing by and you just don't know what has happened? This summer has been a blur of hotels and convention centers and i honestly don't even remember what places i've been to or what i've done.

I remember mom and i going to this in Denver. It was rather interesting. The boyfriend had told me about it before and i thought that it was freaky weird and pretty much stupid. Some how, and i still don't really understand how, i decided it could interesting and convinced mom to go check it out. It was actually very educational.

Rica, K-dog and myself went to this a couple weeks ago. It was very fun and again, very educational. We had great food and conversation and AWESOME sangria. There were also lots of great one liners. I wish i could remember more of them but even if i could i think what's said in Ann Arbor should stay in Ann Arbor.

Last week i went to St. Louis for a stupid conference. I don't hate conferences in general, but this one was waaaaaaaaaaay to long and stupid. The hours were really long and all i wanted to do was crash in my room every night. The conference ended on Wednesday and Thursday morning before i headed back I stopped by the St. Louis Arch to snap a couple pics. I of course don't have them with me now so i can't post them, but I'll try to put some up later. Thursday night we had a small family shindig which was fun.

The weekend was spent painting the kitchen, hanging drapes, gouging holes in the kitchen floor, picking ceramic tile to replace the kitchen floor, and taking to dog here to wear him out and help him lose weight.

Monday was FOUUUUUUUUUR!!! That's right kids. I went to play golf. I sucked! Doubled par.... Plus one!!! It was only a 9 hole course but that was plenty for me given the 90+ degree weather. I had a really great time though. I hate putting by the way. It's stupid. I like my driver it's much more fun.

Now I'm in Cali. and now i'm hungry. Mmmmm In and Out burger is calling my name. Gotta GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Plankiest said...

Yeah, that body thing is creepy.

And, um, I think you meant FORE!

Love ya!

7:10 PM, July 12, 2006  

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