Thursday, March 30, 2006

Fight2type explained

So for those of you who might have been curious about the title of my blog… here’s you explanation. I’ve tried to journal/blog for years. It’s never really been successful. I always quit. I like the idea of my thoughts preserved some where, but it’s just a lot of effort to actually extract the thoughts from my brain into a comprehendible entry. Hence it’s a fight to type.

This last week has been a perfect example. It’s been over a week since I have blogged!!! I could have blogged about the homeschool convention last weekend. I planned to write a lengthy blog about the wretched meal we had after the convention, but I didn’t really feel like. I pardoned my guilty feeling of not blogging by convincing myself that the restaurant didn’t deserve the time it would take me to type the post and certainly didn’t deserve the time of you, my loyal readers. So I just didn’t blog. (it seemed like a viable excuse) Finally, I planned to blog about my NEW PHONE!!!! Yes that’s right kids! I have finally entered this century. I have a flip phone. And not just any flip phone mind you, I have a Razr!!!!! Verizon doesn’t carry the slvr which is the Razr’s non-flipping step brother. I’m very excited about the phone. Bummed about the fact that I have about 3 Nokia wall chargers and 2 Nokia car chargers and NONE of them work on this phone, so I have to buy new stuff!!!!! But my phone freakin’ rocks!!!! Did I blog about that though. No! man I’m lame!!!!!

So… here’s what I am gonna blog about. I’m stuck it the stupid airport!!! I missed my flight. I’m not even really blogging right now either. I’m typing in a word doc that I will later have to copy and paste to my blog. Grrr! This airport sucks!!!! So I get here and see that the line for NWA snakes around 3 layers deep. Not too horrible, I should be fine. So I start to approach the line, and a grumpy grandpa rent-a-cop says, “If you’re flying Northwest and need to check baggage, the line starts downstairs.” Downstairs? DOWNSTAIRS???? Yeah… please haul all your crap downstairs to the baggage claim area so that you can then haul it all back upstairs to actually check in!!!! Needless to say, by the time I made it to the self service (yes that’s right, even if you were self-service check-in… the line was still that long) terminal I was 7 minutes late for the “must be checked in 30 minutes before departure” rule. So I talk to one of the check in agents who tells me that there is no way I can possibly make the flight. She re-books me for another flight and I make my way through security down to my gate.

Right as I arrive at my gate I hear, “this is the final boarding call for …” MY FLIGHT!!!! The one I should have been on in the first place!!!!! The one the lady told me there was no way I could make. So I run down the other gate thinking hey I can still make it. I tell the guy what happens and he says, “Sorry, I don’t have time to re-book you” The plane is still sitting there!!! The door is still open and I can’t freaking get on it!!! Can you tell that I’m not at all bitter? The one redeeming quality is that I got to get breakfast and a smoothie. I hate airports! HATE!!!


Blogger Plankiest said...

Yay! You got a Razr!Aren't they the best? I weeped for joy when my parents brought my Razr back for me!

I am glad that it worked out for you at Verizon. I have a friend who tried to take advantage of the same deal, and they wouldn't let her do it because her contract isn't up for renewal until October or something.

Oh well! Hope you have fun at the conference!

6:58 AM, March 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its about time that you got a new phone. I think its time to buy a new one when you are just holding you phone and it comes apart. HAHA. I just hope the other one does not come out next week.

Airports suck. Especially the boring ones. They need to make them more interesting. Have a massages or amusment park rides or something. I dont know.

9:45 AM, April 01, 2006  
Blogger Plankiest said...

Okay. Will said... It's about time that you got a new phone.

Quitter says... It's about time for you to post again you dirty little h**k*r.

12:44 AM, April 08, 2006  

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