Sunday, March 19, 2006

Homeschoolers, shop-lifting and police... oh my!!!

How's that for a teaser title? And I'm gonna make you wait 'til the end of the blog to fill in the details. So, it's been a pretty slow week. Wednesday at hag night Will and I started Fat Club (or Fat Watchers we haven't decided on which name we want for it yet, feel free to vote in comments section of this blog) Basically we are weighing ourselves in every week and competing to lose weight. Maybe I'll FINALLY get my butt back in shape. Before that, Karen and I went to kickboxing. It was a really good class, and we both signed up for a year! Yea!!!

And on to the big story! Mom and I left Friday afternoon and headed up to my first conference of the year. We got there Friday night and got set up. We had dinner and went back to the hotel and watched a movie. The next morning we got to the conference center about 15 minutes before the doors opened. We got the last few things set up and as soon as they opened the door, we were SWAMPED! I can't imagine if i had tried to do this conference alone.

So at one point this lady comes up and starts talking to mom and she's a little weird, but i don't think too much of it because sometimes homeschool parents are like that. (that sounds mean... but it's true) She hung around the booth for a pretty lengthy amount of time and mom and I both talked to her about a little bit about various part of our curriculum and she eventually left. Hours later when i was explaining for 167,246th time that day the difference between our various CD's to a very nice woman, i suddenly see 3 fully uniformed police officers come marching in (seriously, i felt like they should have had theme music and in my head they did) Me and my ADHD got super distracted and i had to apologize to the woman for fumbling over my words and explain to her that there were 3 cops standing right behind her. The cops moved on, we finished our conversation, and i sent her off happily with her student's curriculum for next fall.

About 45 minutes later the weird lady from much earlier in the day comes storming towards our booth with the police and the Conference Organizer (CO) behind her. She got to our table and tossed 2 cd's down and stormed on. I noticed that one of the CD's had a sticker on it indicating that it belonged to one of our retailers, not us. I mentioned that it wasn't ours and the CO asked me to just hang on to it. A few minutes later the CO came back and i gave her the CD. I was helping a customer so i couldn't really talk to her, but apparently she told mom that the lady had hit up 8 different booths! Let's here it for shoplifters who homeschool!!!!!! The one saving grace was that her children weren't with her, so there is a possibility that they haven't picked up the habit yet.

All in all the weekend was really good. I got to hang out with mom for a while. It looks like she is FINALLY going to call a counseling center for the family. We talked a little bit about how everyone has some issues that we need to work on. She mentioned her abandonment issues with her dad and said that whether i realize it or not i probably have some abandonment issues of my own regarding my sperm donor (that's my biological father). I about made her Coke go through her nose when i said "he's a jerk, I'm glad he wasn't around." The best part is that on Friday night Rica's mom (who stopped by to drop some stuff off) asked how many kids she had. Mom said 2. TWO!!!!!!! and then she caught herself and said "well 2 at home still. But 3 including her" Talk about abandonment issues!!! I didn't have any BEFORE, but i do NOW!!!! It was all very amusing and now i have a great way to guilt trip my mom. :-)

So now i'm back home. I had a little time with the boyfriend tonight. Will came over and we were supposed to help the boyfriend build our new desk... but all we really accomplished was making my garage smell like shop class. The boyfriend left for work. Will went home. And Oscar and I are hanging out. Grey's Anatomy is starting now. I've become really addicted to that show. It's just really good! Thanks to Rica, Elvis and the Super Bowl for turning me on to it. Tonight's show looks good. Just last week i was thinking "wow, don't they ever lose patient's at this hospital?" Apparently tonight is the night. (Not that i think the episode will be good because people die.... oh nevermind.... you know what i mean!!!!!!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Interesting to think that homeschoolers can do such a thing. It kind of makes you wonder about those that arent caught. Working in retail can show you people steal without you realizing it. It makes me think that at the baggage if it was some of the bible beaters that would steal and not always the ghetto punks.

I dont know what i want to vote for. I like FatWatchers, but FatClub is good too, especially when i think of Fight Club. Although it occurs to me, arent we breaking the cardnial rule of FatClub if we are talking about it. Just a thought.

I also have to wonder, what kind of dinning room set defines me as a person?

9:36 AM, March 20, 2006  
Blogger Plankiest said...

Hah! I love the CD comment.

I am pretty sure that this season's CD questions will get even dumber. I can totally picture someone asking us if they can play the CD in their Febreze Scentstories machine. If they do, I will say yes.

3:24 AM, March 22, 2006  

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