Monday, February 27, 2006
Listing the week
How does time go by so fast? ugh!! The good news for you lucky readers is that I have been feeling guilty about not blogging. Sooooooo.. there's a chance that i might actually stick to this thing for more than... well.... however long i've stuck to it so far. So here's what you've missed out on.
Last Monday: Finally went to check out the kick boxing class that i have been talking about joining for like half my life (or half a year... whatever) It was a really interesting class. It was a little different from what i was used to in Costa Rica. It seemed to be a good class though. Karen came with me and we both left eager to come back and actually participate in the class.
Tuesday/Wednesday: Tuesday was uneventful (i think, that was several days ago, i don't know) Wednesday night i went to Will's for Hag night. It was a much calmer hag night this week. Just me and Will. He made yummy chicken and awesome twice backed potatoes!
Thursday was all kinds of fun! It was Plankiest's b-day! (ok... I can't call her Plankiest.... henceforth Plankiest shall be.... Quitter. She used to work with me, but she quit.) We went to one of my favorite bars, Average Joe's. It was Quitter, one of her other friends, her sister-in-law, and me. We hung out, played pool, had a few drinks and just had a good time.
Friday: After work i went to pick up Pop Tart (my little sis). I got there and she informed me that Dad had taken mom to the hospital, because she had chest pain. GREAAAT!!! That's what every girl loves to here. Dad eventually called and said that everything was looking ok. Shorty (my baby brother who is probably about a foot taller than me) and i convinced Pop Tart to make us dinner while we waited for them to get home. She decided to make taco salad. The only problem was, she started making everything before she realized that we didn't have everything she needed. So, I grabbed Shorty and either bravely or stupidly handed him the keys to my car (he got his learner's permit a couple days before) and climbed in the car to head to the store. He did a pretty good job (i didn't realize at the time, but it was his first time driving on a road, not a parking lot). He enjoyed it and I lived.... so think it was a success! Mom is fine. She had been on some steroids for a nasty infection that had worked its way into her lungs, and apparently didn't react very well to it. But she's all good now!
Saturday and Sunday Pop Tart and I spent cleaning, and Sunday the boyfriend's parents came over and his dad helped put in the toilet and pedestal sink for what will soon be our downstairs half bath.
Today was back to work followed by FINALLY going to kick boxing. This time Karen and I actually participated. It was a great workout. Still very different than what i was used to in CR, but the sensei was focused on proper form which i think is important. I think i'm going to join! I had a good time and it looks like Karen is going to join with me, so that will help keep me motivated. Quitter said she wants to come check it out too, even though she bailed on us tonight. QUITTER!!! Some kind of blahblah about quality time with her husband. WHATEVER!!! Ok that was mean. Love you Quitter!
Now i'm sitting at home watching CSI: Miami while Oscar happily chews on his bone. So, i get quality time too! With the DOG! I feel like a suburban house wife. If only I lived on Wisteria Lane.
Cracking me up. I love you chica-face, or dirty little h****r. (We'll play a little game where we see who can guess what I am calling you first!)
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