Thursday, February 16, 2006
Day 2
No! Not all of my post titles are going to start with "Day..." I'm just not feeling very creative right now and this is day 2 of me blogging. Fascinating isn't it?! Yeah, 'bout as fascinating as this day. I had a meeting this morning for work. Guess where it was? Yep! STARBUCKS!!! GGGGRRRRR!!! Stupid stupid Starbucks! But, i didn't pick the meeting place and my coffee heaven would have been waaaay out the way for the person i had to meet. UGH!
After my meeting at the evil place i met my aunt for lunch and then returned home to finish out my work day. After work i went over to Will's apartment for hag night. Yes, that's right hag night. Will (who is obviously gay) has fag night on tuesdays, so it seemed only appropriate that we have hag night as well. All of Will's hags came over for dinner. Well of 3 us anyway. And, in reality, i'm the only real hag. The others are just in training. (I can't even keep a straight face as i type) And no... his name's not really Will, and mine isn't really Grace. Karen's name isn't really Karen either. We don't have a Jack and i haven't yet come up with a good nickname for our third hag. Will says i should call her Squigy. I don't really know how he came up with it, but since i'm not really feeling creative, i think it's gonna stick.
Anyhoo, Will made dinner and the four of us ate and chatted. It was fun. It was nice to have intelligent conversation with people from very different walks of life. Well, somewhat intellegent anyway. Now i'm home watching CSI (love that show) even though it's a re-run. Re-runs should be outlawed. Well, not really. I love that they play re-runs of Friends and Sex in the city. But I know those are going to be re-runs. I'm not waiting on the next intruiging plot line. I want new shows!!!! When are sweeps?!?!
Wow... i'm bored reading my own post. I think that means i'm done.
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