Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Day of Discovery
So I've tried this whole blog thing before... several times... and it's been totally unsuccessful. so now i try again. Why? Don't know. But here goes... you're in for a ride!
So today I had to go to my little city's Wastewater Management place to pay my bill cuz i'm a dork and forgot to send out the check... which of course was due TODAY! So i load my adorable puppy, Oscar, (btw, puppy = 75 pound golden retriever) into the car and make the 10 minute trek there. Now... I just closed on my house in late November and haven't really ventured out to explore the little suburb that i now inhabit. I mostly venture out to the big city for fun. My 10 minute trek to pay a bill proved to be a FANTASTIC adventure.
Discovery #1: We have a ghetto! Seriously, i live in a rapidly growing suburb that most people consider to be one of the nicer areas around here. But we have a ghetto! It's not a terrible ghetto. And in reality... not a ghetto at all... but it's faaaaaaar from the communist cookie cutter suburbia my casa exists in. You may be asking yourself... so you have a ghetto... who cares? Well really... probably no one. Not even me really. I was just fascinated. That's all.
Discovery #2: We have coffee shop... and it's NOT STARBUCKS!!!! WEEEEEEEWWWWOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YESYESYES!!!! I'm sure at a later date (assuming i actually stick to this blog thing) there will be entire post (or more) dedicated to my utter disdain of Starbucks (and Wal-mart). But for now, let's stick to the Happy! This lovely little shop (We'll call it my coffee heaven) consisted of 2 small rooms and 2 larger ones. The large room in the front had tables and chairs, a few couches, and a couple computers with internet access. Then there was a tiny room (more like a butler's pantry) that had all of the self serve coffee. Then came the small room containing the counter, floor to ceiling shelving lined with bags of different types of coffee beans, and a giant machine that i can only guess was a bean roaster... Maybe? On the other side of what i'm assume was a giant bean roaster was a door that led into a larger room that had several tables and chairs and a few more computers. The girl behind the counter looked like she was all of about 16 years old. I waited in line and ordered my Venti white mocha latte and started to head back to the car. As i was walking out i couldn't help but smile at the thought that i was getting yummy coffee and it wasn't from Starbucks!! And it wasn't even Starbucks brand coffee!!! AH VICTORY!! I walked out, closed the door and turned to read the flyers posted on the door and window. That's when i saw it! the GREATEST bummer sticker EVER!!!!! "Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks!" And the celestial choir began singing... well, not really, but i did do a little song and dance inside. (At least i hope it was inside). Yea for my coffee heaven!
Discovery #3: I feel like there was a discovery #3, but i don't really remember it. Anyway.. it was a happy day!!
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