Tuesday, September 08, 2009
The Tri
So it just occurred to me that I never really wrote anything about the Triathlon, which seems tragic. So.. I did a triathlon!!! It was a sprint. 500 meter swim, 10 mile bike and 3 mile run. I, of course, prepped for the event with my traditional pre-race tequila shot the night before.
August 22nd at fAAAAAr too early in the morning I got up and threw on the uniform of a high school swimmer... swimsuit, sweatpants, sweatshirt, and flip-flops. I started the trek over to Eagle Creek, stopping at my traditional pre-race breakfast location, Big Apple Bagels, only to discover that they were closed!!! YIKES!!
I head on toward Eagle Creek desperately hoping to pass a Panera or SOMETHING. No such luck. UGH! I get there, park and haul all my gear the 1/2 mile from the parking lot to transition. I get all set up and start searching for some kind of sustenance. I end up finding some sort of gummy snack thing that has caffeine in it.... sure... we'll call that food! The Reverend FINALLY shows up with his girl in tow. Girl comes to the rescue with a cliff bar she happened to have in her bag. AWESOME.
The Reverend and I make sure we are set up and stretched and head over to where the swim starts. Mom and Bange show up a few minutes before I get in the water and I get the chance to say hi, explain to them where to watch for me and see the signs that Bange made me.... AWESOME! (Photo by Mom)
The Reverend lined up with his swim group and I snagged a high five before he jumped in. (not sure how long the links will be good, but here's a pic)
Not far behind, I headed for the water. On the plus side the water was warm that day. Actually, it was warmer in the water than it was out of the water. It was super murky and impossible to see more than about 6 inches. Apparently it's not uncommon for the most seasoned of swimmers to freak out at their first tri swim. Factors being 1) open water 2) group starts - lots of splashing, other peoples' arms and legs flailing about and occasionally hitting you. I had been warned of these factors and was mostly prepared. I had done some open water swimming and we didn't exactly have a group start. They sent one person about every other second. Still lots of people and plenty of accidental foot grabbing etc. The murky water became a frightening factor when a foot suddenly appeared incredibly close to my face. I avoided being kicked in the face and finished the swim in 13 minutes 23.5 seconds and 335th out of 600. The Reverend came out of the water just a few seconds before me, but I actually beat his time (tiny victories... it's the only thing I'll EVER beat him in) of 13 minutes 38.5 seconds 364th overall.
In the transition I did a full outfit change (NEVER AGAIN!) which took 3 minutes 51.3 seconds while the Reverend zipped in and out under 2 minutes! As I took forever changing Mom, Bange and the Reverend's girl stood nearby cheering me on. Mom even asked if there was anything she could do to help me. I explained that would be a one way ticket to disqualification... but thanks mom! I did direct her to my camera so she could get some pics (as seen below).
Finally heading out on the bike, I felt pretty good. Right as I was pulling out I noticed Will and Smutty standing on the sidelines yelling for me. (Thanks Will for this pic!)
It was kind of sprinkling by that point which made me a little nervous as I haven't really done much (read: any) riding in the rain. While still inside the park there were a couple hills that I wasn't exactly prepared for, but I pulled through in one piece and made it to the nice, flat, straight portion of the ride. The route was out and back, so I made the turn around, got back into the park and was about 2/3rds of the way up one of the hills when I went to shift and my chain slipped. NOOOOO!!! Luckily, the Reverend had taught me change a flat a few weeks before so I was able to hop off and throw the chain back on with minimal effort. Unfortunately I had little choice but to run my bike the rest of the way up the hill as I never could have made it up from a dead stop. The Reverend finished his ride in a speedy 31:53.5 averaging 18.8 mph and placing 127th overall. Several minutes later I pulled in with a time of 37:37.2 averaging 15.9 mph and placing 372nd overall. (Photo credits... again to Will)
My second transition was almost as hideous as the first. I once again almost completely changed clothes taking 3:05.9... only 53 people took longer... OUCH! Once again, the Reverend scooted through in a minute and 9 seconds... the 31st FASTEST transition. (It's easier for boys!!!!!!!)
Heading out for the run I felt the familiar (from the couple times I'd done it during training) cramping in my calves. Something about the change in muscle motion from bike to run... it's not fun! Kinda feels like a concrete ball right in the middle of my calf. As I had during training... I just kept running, knowing it would eventually go away. About 3/4 of a mile in my legs started feeling ok..... well ... the concrete ball feeling went away anyway. I was pretty wiped. I felt like I'd been running for about 6 miles instead of one. Breathing was hard and per USTA (United States Triathlon Association) rules, I didn't have my iPod to help pace my running OR my breathing. WORST RULE EVER!!!!!!! At one point there was a woman running to my left and about half a step behind me. We stayed together for about a quarter mile, but didn't have the same rhythm. I finally couldn't take it anymore, she was screwing up my already erratic breathing and slowed down to let her get ahead of me. I honestly was beginning to wonder if I would actually make it all the way to the finish..... I was hurtin'!!! I came around the last curve and saw the finish line (God bless Tuxbro and their big blue inflatable finish line) and knew I could do it. (Photo by Will)
As a bonus, the last 100 yards or so was a slight decline. I kicked it up a notch and heard Smutty yell "Go mama!!" as I went flying across the finish line. (The Reverend said I "came across the finish line like a raging bull" I'm not sure how to take that).
The guy who crossed right behind me said, "Nice sprint 451" (that was my number). Little did he know I was just trying to keep my feet under me. My run time was 31:48.2. Average 10:36.1/mile (a full minute slower than my normal run time - BOO!) and 484th overall. Total time was 1:29:46.1 placing 407th overall. For my division I placed 4th out of 9, just missing (by 13 seconds... blaming the bike chain) a prize! (It was a super fly plastic cup from Noodles and Company - I guess I'll live).
The Reverend's run (best picture ever!!!) time 24:46.7, averaging 8:15.6/mile and placing 198. His total time was 1:13:28.0 placing him 146th overall.
After hugs (yes... The Reverend, Mom, Bange, and Smutty all loved me enough to hug me even though I was sweaty.... Notice I did NOT mention Will in the group that actually loves me - love you too Will). and horrid pics.....
.... eating the banana was a different story. I peeled it, and tried to break a piece off... it bent! Never actually broke... just bent. I don't know what that means, but it didn't seem good. The Reverend's girl brought her dog, an adorable golden named Bella.... Bella wouldn't even eat the banana.... NOT GOOD!
After some dry clothes I met the Reverend and his girl at Bub's for some well deserved breakfast! Breakfast was quickly followed by a lovely 3 hour nap.... again... well deserved!
So there you have it... We came, we swam, we biked, we ran, we conquered... yay us!
Labels: banana, Bange, Eagle Creek, Mom, Smutty, Sprint, The Reverend, Tri, Triathlon, Will
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