Wednesday, July 15, 2009
N.I.T.E. Ride, Freedom Run, and other random stuff I want to ramble about.
The last few weeks have been rather eventful. Let's start with June 27th. Elvis convinced me that I had to do this awesome event that he participated in last year. It's call the Indy N.I.T.E. (Navigate Indy This Evening) Ride. The event begins at 11pm and and consists of a 20 mile bike around the greater downtown Indianapolis area. It begins at the Major Taylor Velodrome (which you can sort of make out in the background of the picture below) on Marion College campus.
Somewhere along the way The Quitter and Shaun White catch up with us. We all get to the next intersection and a volunteer radios for help for us. We send The Quitter and Shaun White on and Elvis and I wait..... and wait...... and wait.... and wait... OOOOO Headlights!!! Yes, headlights of the cop car that tails the group and tells all the other cops that they can stop directing traffic/marking the course and go home. And so we wait.... and wait.... FINALLY the mechanics show up and pretty uneventlfully get me back up and going. (BTW... YES I know I should have had a spare tube, CO2 and tools in my saddle bag. And YES next time The Reverand is in town I'm holding him hostage until he teaches me to change my tire. We will not repeat these events again).
With my tire fixed the mechanics take off and Elvis gets my tire back on my bike. We hop back on and are determined to catch up. We start flying down the road and manage to catch up to the mechanics. We plan on following them until we realize, they don't really totally know where they are going either. AWESOME!
This is the course.
We decide that since we're so far behind and have no one marking the course for us the best thing to do is just get to the break point and pick it up from there. We take off again and find a road that we both know will get us where we need to go. Even though that portion wasn't exactly a "sanctioned" part of the ride, Elvis and I had a BLAST. It was probably the 2nd best part of the whole ride. There was no one else around to maneuver through, traffic was almost non-existent... we just rode. There was nothing holding us back. So fun!
We get to the break and wait for the others to show up and then we were off again. The ride took us straight north on Meridian and then wound through Butler campus and then back down through the Art Museum where the path was lit by luminaria - beautiful! The next part was the best. I still don't really know how it happened, but suddenly I realize we're approaching this GIANT downward sloped curve. We start heading down and I begin to look around and realize... we're on AN OFFRAMP!!!! Freakin' SWEET! We make our way to the finish line and back to cars. Down some Gatorade and water. The Quitter and Shaun White make it back and we load up to head home. It was a great event. Can't wait for next year!
June 28th I went to see New Kids on the Block with my best friend since first grade, Jonesy, and some of her other friends who were big fans back in the day. We had an amazing time, though sadly I don't have pictures. We were surrounded by a bunch of other 20-30 year old women, some with their daughters, who were just there to have a good time. This certainly wasn't the BEST concert I've ever been to, but it ranks really high on the most fun list. Rock on NKOTB!
July 1st was the Reverand's bday, most of which he spent in the lab... BOO! And the 3rd was Elvis' bday. We had a little family function and rolled the bridal shower for him and his fiancee and the bday celebrations all together. Fun was had by all and I totally dominated the guess that spice game. I know my spices baby!
Which brings us to the Fourth of July and the Carmel Freedom Run. This time it was just Simmonds and me because Will's foot had been bothering him again. Lucky for us, he graciously agreed to be our driver/photographer so that I could share the event with you now. Thanks Will!
That night Will and I headed up to A-town to attend K-dog and The Doctor's traditional 4th party. Sadly, weather wasn't really cooperating, so no fireworks and a fraction of the crowd that usually comes. Oh well... more wine for me. :-) Eventually it was just me, K-dog, The Doctor and Will and we played Sing Star for a couple hours before calling it a night. Good times!
Ok... I think I've crammed enough events into this one post.
Labels: bikes, Bub's Cafe, Butler University, Carmel Freedom Run, flat tire, Fourth of July, Indy N.I.T.E. Ride, Marion College, New Kids On the Block, tequila
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