Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Photo Essay - Race Style

Less interesting titles for this post: "My First Race" or "The Drumstick Dash"

If a picture is worth a thousand words this post should get you up to speed. For those who don't know, on Thanksgiving morning I ran my first race. The race is called the Drumstick Dash and it is a 4.5 mile run/walk though Broadripple with over 7000 participants this year. What makes it even more cool is that all the proceeds go to The Wheeler Mission Ministries which is a homeless shelter that provides food and lodging for the homeless in the Indianapolis area.

It seems like a lot of work to rehash all the details of the race and you know I'm inherently lazy, but luckily I (with much assistance - photo credits to the Boyfriend unless otherwise mentioned) documented the whole thing with photos for your viewing pleasure. Oh yeah... the best part... I'm not the only crazy sap who decided to run a race on Thanksgiving morning. Nope, I suckered a couple friends into it too....

Packet Pick-up: Wednesday night before the race Simmonds, Will and Myself head down to pick up all of our stuff for the race and gleefully show off our bib numbers. (photo credit to random lady in the tee-shirt tent)

The Race started at 9am on Thanksgiving morning. We thought, what better way to prep and celebrate, than with a tequila shot...
... At 9pm the night before. Doesn't everyone do tequila shots before a race? I'm pretty sure this is standard protocol.

The next morning we arrived at the event location and headed into the Running Company. Here's us with our bib numbers and crocheted hats courtesy of Simmonds. (Photo credit to Mr. Brown - see next pic for explanation)

While meandering around the store, we ran into my old high school principal, Mr. Brown, and his wife who has worked with Simmonds. We figured that needed a picture too! (photo credit to Will)

We don't all run the same pace, so this was our last pic together before the race. Check out the scads of people behind us. Also, how adorable are our hats?!?! Did I mention Simmonds bought the yarn and cranked out Will's hat the night before the race? She's so cool!

Okay, I know a 10 minute mile isn't really terribly impressive, but had I run this race a year ago, I would have been in the 12 minute mile group and I would have ended up walking part of it, so... I was pretty geeked to line up next to the 10 minute mile sign.

This is me crossing the finish line (sort of). The ever dedicated boyfriend came out and waited at the finish line to take our pictures as we crossed. Unfortunately he didn't realize that my camera had an auto shut off feature. So the finish line is actually about 20 feet behind me. But... YAY I finished!! Distance: 4.5 miles. Official time: 45 minutes 22 seconds Pace: 10 minutes 4 seconds per mile. Finishing my first race at a record pace (for me) PRICELESS!

Simmonds crosses the finish line! This girl kicked ass. She ran the whole thing with no walking breaks. The farthest she's ever run before. AND... she did it in less than an hour. Official time: 59 minutes 18.5 seconds. Way to go Simmonds!

Will crosses the finish line! He did the event as a walk/run and while he opted out of a timing chip so while we don't have an official time, we think he was around an hour and 17 minutes.

Post race banana!! WOOHOO! You must eat a banana after you race. It's a rule.

Back at home, we wanted to show off our free t-shirts. And of course.. those awesome hats we'd been running and sweating in...

Well, they had to come off sometime! How sexy are we!!! Yeah baby!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job, cuz!

I've noticed that whole banana thing at a number of races and marathons and rides...what is the real reason for it? D'ya know? Something for me to look up, I guess...

6:13 PM, December 01, 2008  
Blogger podslave said...

I think it has something to do with potassium.

1:21 PM, December 02, 2008  
Blogger UhOhMichelios said...

" bananas do more than replenish glycogen stores. They replace potassium and magnesium, two electrolytes that are lost in sweat and thought to play a role in leg cramps. In addition, the calcium, phosphorus, and protein found in bananas help to build strong bones and repair muscle."

mmm bananas

12:43 AM, May 03, 2009  

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