Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Costco and Me: A Lover's Quarrel

For the last couple years I have had a wonderful love affair with Costco. I mean really, what's not to love? Not only can I buy 5 tubes of Crest Whitening plus Scope toothpaste, but frequently, Costco supplies me with a coupon to make my purchase. Because of Costco, I only have to buy Q-tips once/year. And while others settle for the fridge packs or perhaps even 24 packs of diet coke, I buy mine in a case of 32. At the grocery store I buy tiny cream cheese size tubs of feta or blue cheese and it costs about $5. At Costco, I get ice cream size tubs for only a dollar more. Then of there's the cake. I mean first off, why would you ever want to buy a cake that weighs less the 9.75 pounds anyway? That's just crazy. Add to that the wonderful butter cream icing and the cheesecake mousse filling... what better way to celebrate than with a diabetic coma?!?

About a year or so ago I was purusing my darling Costco and came across a 2 pack of Champion brand sports bras for like $20. Awesome deal, so I bought them. Now, I tend to be very picky about my athletic wear. It has to work. There's nothing worse than being uncomfortable during your daily run in 90 degree weather. Turns out the sports bras were perfect. I loved them and bought at least 2 more packs. Then, one day I decided I needed more. I went to Costco only to find they had replaced my beloved Champion sports bras with Adidas sports bras. Still a good deal, I decided to try them out. I thought, Costco wouldn't replace a product with an inferior product. That's just not who they are. I was wrong. The Adidas sports bras suck! I now have to order my sports bras from Champion online. Costco let down #1.

Another wonderful product I discovered is what I call my workout pants. Again, sold in a two pack, these mostly cotton, drawstring pants are great for working out. I run in them, I go to classes at the gym in them, they also make great pj bottoms too. I own at least 8 pair. With the weather getting warmer I've decided I need some shorts to run in. Knowing that Costco doesn't carry the style of shorts I wanted, I headed to Target. I found a couple pair that I thought would work (though they didn't seem great) and I left Target thinking, I wish they just made a short version of my Costco workout pants. Then it occurred to me that I have a fabulous Aunt with a fabulous sewing machine (that I gave her for Christmas YEARS ago) and she could probably turn my beloved workout pants into the perfect workout shorts for me. Off to Costco I go!!! I trot happliy down the aisle where my workout pants belong (same aisle that used to be home to my Champion sports bras!)... back and forth.... around to the other side.... NO PANTS!!!! My workout pants are gone.

I can't take it anymore Costco!! If you are going to get me addicted to your wonderful products, you have to keep carrying them! You're like a drug dealer who gets me hooked on coke and then moves! It's mean!!! I mean really, what's next? My Champion brand socks? perhaps the tooth paste? Or are you gonna go straight for the jugular and stop selling cake?!?! Why must you hurt me? Why?

P.S. I really like the new Calvin Klein 3 pack of ribbed tank tops!


Blogger Cyn said...

Oh my poor baby girl! How can you continue? Do I need to come comfort you? Love ya Baby. Mommy

8:45 AM, June 04, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found your post when doing a search for Champion sports bras at Costco because I saw them there today and wondered if they were any good. Glad to hear they are -- and glad to tell you that as of Aug. 7, 2009, they are back at Costco. : )

4:00 PM, August 07, 2009  
Blogger podslave said...

I've seen the ones they have now... They are different than the ones I posted about. Haven't tried them out myself, but I didn't think they looked as good.

1:09 AM, August 08, 2009  

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