Tuesday, September 11, 2007

MTV VMA recap

For those of you who missed it, well... you didn't really miss much. I'm sure you've all heard by now, but just in case... Britney sucked! I'm sure you all know... I'm a Britney fan. Not even a closet Britney fan, i don't try to hide it. I own all her cds, I've even seen her in concert (i won the tickets on the radio, but still). It's sucked watching her derail into a giant self destructive disaster, but part of me (and i think of a lot of people) really thought she was going to get her stuff together and make a come back. Luckily, the industry and her fans especially are pretty forgiving. If she can come back and do something right she'll be worshiped as the pop princess that she is once again. Don't believe me? Look at Madonna (once Brit's role model). She certainly had her transgressions, but I still belt out Material Girl at karaoke from time to time and the whole bar is usually singing along. Britney can still rescue herself... she just has to want to.

Sunday night's show was all around sad if you ask me. I usually love the VMA's. It's always been more about the performances than the awards (as awards shows should be if you ask me, I don't really care that Justin Timberlake wants to thank he hair stylist who convinced him to buzz off his boy band curls). The show opened with Britney which of course i was super excited about, but then completely let down. One thing I've always like about Britney is that she can dance. I forgive the lip syncing because the girl is dancing her ass off and I don't know anyone who could sing and still dance as hard as her back up dancers. She totally mailed it in. I kept waiting for the cool thing to happen. The big "surprise" she had promised her fans. After her lackluster performance they sent Sarah Silverman (refuse to link to this because it's terrible), whom i CAN. NOT. STAND. out to bash her. I could get over some of her comments, I get that she's a comedian, but do you really need to bring a person's kids into your jokes? That's just hitting below the belt and if you ask me... it's not funny.

As I said before, the whole show kinda sucked if you ask me. There were a couple of highlights, but for the most part, MTV screwed it up. VMA performances are ALWAYS over the top. It's what we expect. It's why we watch it two or three out of the 87 times that you rebroadcast it. This year the show was at the Palms hotel and casino in Vegas. Sounds cool. But instead of having the main stage that everyone performed on, they had 4 suites throughout the hotel that had bands playing basically throughout the show. Fall Out Boy was in one, Justin Timberlake in another, I think the Foo Fighters had one too. They would occasionally cut to the suite so you could see a performance, but the sound quality wasn't as good and the bands we jammed onto little stages with a ton of screaming people around them. It was kind of like if your favorite band came to play in a small venue (like a bar or something) but you couldn't get tickets so you had to watch it on tv. I'm sure the people in the suite had an awesome time, but it did nothing for me.

So like i said, there were some highlights. Alicia Keys did a pretty good performance on the main stage. Jamie Foxx went completely of script and totally confused Jennifer Garner who he was presenting with (he was shameless plugging their upcoming movie The Kingdom). At one point they cut to the Fall Out Boy suite and Rhianna was actually performing with them. That was cool just because I never would have pictured them performing together. Good way to switch things up. That pretty much sums up the good parts. Rhianna and Justin Timberlake both took home 2 awards. (It seemed like there weren't as many awards as in the past too) I do have to give JT credit, both times he accepted his awards he said something to the effect of.... MTV, play more damn music videos!

Oh yeah one more weird thing... Carrie Underwood was a nominee for best new artist. Was MTV not watching American Idol 3 years ago or whenever it was that she was on? She's not new! Don't get me wrong... I like her... as much as I like any country artist, but she's NOT NEW! And they also had that dumb Miss Teen South Carolina on. I know she was trying to make it sound like she was making fun of herself.... but i think if it's possible, she just sounded even more stupid. Ok... rant over!

Now playing: Fall Out Boy - Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea basically she sucked. no other way to put it. I am disappointed because i expected more. Girl is crazy but I didnt think she was stupid. Now I am not so sure.

The sad part is that her backup dancers knew it would be bad because they were texting people asking them to pray. They said that they took all the hard moves out and that the original show was killer but BritBrit couldnt pull them off. Bet that isnt going anyone resume.

She needs to pull something off before her album cause i am not all the excited about it anymore.

She needs to just let us be her manager and tell her what to do. I am would start by slapping her silly....

2:04 PM, September 11, 2007  
Blogger Plankiest said...

Holy crap! Is she on drugs? This was the first time that I saw it, and I was like you: Where are the big guns? Her best bet would have been to come out on stage, "sprain" her ankle, and lip sync from a chair. That would have been less pathetic and would have given us more hope that Princess Britney would rein again, after she recovered, of course.

12:27 PM, September 13, 2007  
Blogger podslave said...

I don't know what the answer is here. I guess if she "sprained" her ankle at the very least she could actually line up her lip syncing with the music since she obviously couldn't do it while dancing.

I have to say I'm just really sad. Everyone knows that I love Britney. I wish I could grab her, shake her, and (in the words of Will) "slap her silly." Her fans (and really even people who hate her) KNOW that she is capable of a comeback.

I was watching a show the other day where someone said they thought she didn't want to be performing anymore. They thought that based on the VMA performance it didn't seem like she cared. I guess that could be true, but if that's the case, why do the show in the first place?

When I win the lottery I'm making it my personal mission to put her career back on track! I love you Britney!

2:18 PM, September 13, 2007  
Blogger E.A.P said...

My number one complaint was the shortness of everything - I felt like they didn't finish anything but kept cutting back and forth to the suites, to a performance from one group which was interrupted by someone else's group which . . . well, you get the picture. I guess that makes it less boring than other award shoes, but it also makes me feel like I can't enjoy any one thing. Annoying.

And now I've posted on my own blog and commented on yours. Can we officially see you off your high horse now? Yes? No? Okay.

12:13 PM, September 14, 2007  

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