Tuesday, August 28, 2007


You may be wondering why I haven't posted in freakin' forever! Or the more likely scenario, you've just given up on me and aren't visiting my blog anymore in which case I'm really just talking to myself. Not that that would be unusual really but still. So what's my excuse for lack of blog? I have none. Well, laziness I guess, but I have no GOOD excuse. I feel like I've been coasting lately. Nothing exciting is really happening and I've basically just been too lazy to try to find things to entertain myself.

I'm part of our neighborhood book club. We've met twice now and both meetings have involved large amounts of Margaritas which is cool. We've read Kite Runner and My Sister's Keeper, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed. Next we're reading A Thousand Splendid Suns which I'm looking forward to.

I've tried to get back into some kind of workout routine though I'm not doing very well at it. The new season of TV shows hasn't started yet so there's nothing going on there. Work is pretty much the same old stuff.

We do have a new foster dog named Mr. Bones. He's about 5 years old and has never been taught to sit so it's been an adventure. Other than that I feel like my life is on auto-pilot. What's worse, there's no one to blame but myself. There are plenty of things I could do I'm sure, but I'm just not getting out there and doing them. I feel like I'm coasting through life rather than living it, which is rather odd for me. Maybe it's a sign that it's time to go back to school. I certainly never coasted while working full time and going to school full time. Alright.... enough whining from me.


Blogger Brad Shoemaker said...

Coasting sucks... I feel like I have been coasting for a long time. I never used to coast, but lately I feel I have had nothing worth doing, or have just been completely unmotivated. Over the past 8 years (starting my 9th) I feel as if I have slowly worked toward coasting. I have lived in the same place for nearly two years (first time I have done that in 8 years). I guess the best way to get out of the rut is to make a conscience decision to not coast anymore. Always easier said than done!

12:55 AM, September 09, 2007  

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