Monday, May 15, 2006

Funny things that make me laugh

So, I’ve come to the conclusion that I should blog more often. That doesn’t mean it will actually happen, but it should. Funny things have been happening, and when they happen I think, “I have to blog about this,” but then I don’t. Then when I finally sit down to blog… can’t remember what I wanted to blog about. So here are the 2 funny things that I can remember….

When mom and I were on our way to Georgia, we were flying on one of the airlines that has XM radio. AWESOME! So, I decide to let my iPod have a break and I plug in and start surfing the XM channels. Mom does the same and finds the Broadway channel and is in Heaven. Anyway, as I’m listening, Daniel Powter’s "Had a bad Day" comes on. After hearing this song many times, I’ve decided I like it. So I reach over and start changing my mom’s XM station so that she can hear it. (I feel that I should share good music, it’s the nice thing to do, though apparently she didn’t think so) My mom says, “Hey! That’s mine, yours is on the other side.” So I explain to her that I’m trying to find a station so that she can hear the awesome song I’m listening to. She says, “I don’t want to listen to that song, I want to listen to what I was listening to.” And she starts smacking my hand away from the controls. Clearly she just doesn’t understand. So, for the sake of her musical enlightenment, I keep flipping the stations until I FINALLY find the right one. The whole time she is talking crazy, saying things like, “leave it alone,” “I was listening something else,” “BLAHBLAHBLAH.” I grip the arm rest and cover the controls with my hand, all in an effort to expand her musical horizons. I’m trying to help her here! And you know what she says to me?!?! This is a direct quote. As I’m trying to introduce new and wonderful things to my mother whom I love, she says, “YOU’RE NOT THE BOSS OF MY MUSIC!!!!!” I nearly lost it. I was cracking up! I know this probably isn’t nearly as funny to you all… but it’s my blog, and I think it’s hilarious.

So the next funny story (I’m realizing that the stories themselves aren’t that funny, it’s more there is a one-liner in the story that cracks me up… but whatever) happened on another trip. The author of the funny quote wishes to remain anonymous. Oh… yeah… one more thing….

WARNING: The next paragraph of this post has been rated "R" for strong language that may not be suitable for children under 18 and people who are offended by naughty words.

So, my travel partner and I had just finished an awesome dinner at a really tasty restaurant. We were both beyond full and we were walking back to the car. The restaurant we ate at had very limited parking so we were forced to park across the street behind a Dunkin Donuts. So, as we’re walking back to the car we cut through the Dunkin Donuts parking lot and all the smells of tasty goodness waft their way into our noses and we both start salivating. Now, as I mentioned, we are both VERY full and have no desire to put anything else in our stomachs. So, we both start whining about how unfair it is that stupid Dunkin Donuts has to smell so good. And, can’t they keep their smells to themselves. So then my travel partner says, in a manner befitting a child whose parents have just declared their sibling the winner of an argument….. “Dunkin’ Fuckin’ Donuts!” Again, about lost it. Hilarious! Awesome! Dunkin’ Fuckin’ Donuts man! HAHA!

Ok, those are my funny stories for you, hope you enjoyed! Oh yeah… if we have hung out lately and you can think of funny things that have happened that I’ve said, “I need to blog about that” remind me so I can actually do it!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, it has been a week and a half, i am sick of waiting for you to blog. BLOG ALREADY

11:35 AM, May 24, 2006  
Blogger Plankiest said...

DFD. Awesome.

The Quitter luvs ya and your 'travel partner.' Whose identity I don't know. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Oh, and for those of you reading this, I am not the one who said DFD.

10:24 PM, May 27, 2006  
Blogger Plankiest said...

Okay, so I was thinking about linking your blog to my blog. Because that's what bloggers do. They try to get unsuspecting readers to click on links of everyone else's blog.

But. You won't post. There is no posting. You know it is bad when I am officially more "on it" than you are. Come on.

9:28 PM, May 31, 2006  
Blogger Plankiest said...

You want to know something that is not funny and doesn't make me laugh? The fact that every time I check your site I keep seeing this same post.

5:38 PM, June 01, 2006  

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