Thursday, February 17, 2011

Settled in - and off we go!

Wow! What a whirlwind couple of days. No sign of it slowing down anytime soon either. Wednesday morning we had our orientation, followed by about 2-3 hours of class, lunch, and a city tour. Class was actually pretty fun. We have a GREAT group. 9 in total. The teacher is really great too. You can tell that she really wants us to not only enjoy the course, but be successful.

We have a pretty diverse group. And I’m NOT the oldest one taking the course. Somehow we ended up with 2 people from Kansas and one from Kansas City, MO. Talk about random. At least two people are relocating to Peru and taking the course to help find a job (sounds familiar). We have an Aussie girl whose accent of course is awesome. She’s also a chef and has promised to make us all dinner for “graduation.” One guy is originally from Peru, lived most of his life in Oregon as an attorney and has come back to Peru to teach.

The city tour was pretty awesome, except that I thought it was going to be mostly a bus tour and wore new shoes… there was much more walking involved than I thought and I got blisters on my heels, but it was worth it. Cusco is beautiful. I will post pictures I promise, as soon as I have a chance to take some. I have figured out how to get from my house to school and back by foot and by cab. (If you know me, you know this is pretty impressive given I have NO sense of direction).

Today’s class was really good. It’s kinda crazy though. Many things are the opposite of what you think they should be. Teaching usually involves “lecturing” or “explaining.” The number one rule of ESL is “No explaining.” Which does actually make sense, because the people you are teaching don’t know English. The goal for a 1st year class is that the students actually do at least 60% of the talking in each class. 2nd year that goes up to 80%. We also are not allowed to translate, even if we know the word in the other language. Apparently in places like Korea and China they will sometimes record your classes and if you are caught using anything other than English, your job could be in jeopardy.

I do FINALLY know what my schedule is like. Tuesday through Thursday I have class from 9am – 4pm with one hour for lunch. Monday’s and Friday’s I will either have off or have to teach (I teach tomorrow and have Monday off. But that switches next week so I will have Friday off and teach Monday. So next week I technically only have 3 days of class.) Of course, I also have to observe 5 of the teachers currently teaching at the school and write a paper after each observation. I’ll also have a grammar paper to write (TERRIFYING!) and the last week I will still be attending classes on a regular schedule, but also teaching a one hour class everyday.

Today we got our assignment for our first teaching lesson. We are to teach the class to do something. Only 20 minutes, so, simple tasks. Our teacher did an example lesson today and taught us how to do the Hokey Pokey. I will be teaching the students how to make the most lame trail mix ever (peanuts, raisins and M&Ms). We’ll see how it goes. The worst that can happen is I suck, but at the end they have a snack. There will be 10 students in the class and they are high basic level English students. And again, no Spanish, and they do 60% of the talking.

The teacher and half my class will also be there, but strictly as observers. The other 4 class members that will be there will also do 20 minute lessons. When we have all taught, the students will leave and we will get feedback. Feedback will be directed individually, but given in a group setting. The feedback will not affect our grade in the class but is meant to help prepare us for our week of practical teaching.

I will likely not have internet for the next few days (starting Friday evening until Monday afternoon) because I am traveling to Lake Titicaca. More on that later. Now, to bed, gotta be on my game tomorrow.

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Blogger Hayley said...

I feel like the Lake Titicaca deserves some sort of Ace Venture joke.
I hope the little buggers do 80% of the talking for you just because you're awesome

7:49 AM, February 18, 2011  
Blogger John said...

The more I read your blog about this adventure of yours the more I think I want to come and teach there

10:49 AM, February 18, 2011  
Blogger John said...

I saw Bucky Bookhardt, Tuesday evening he asked that I send you his best wishes in your new adventure.

8:01 PM, February 20, 2011  
Blogger podslave said...

AW!!! If you see him again tell him hi, and thank you. I always liked Mr. Bookhardt... just glad I had him for Health and not gym!

11:11 PM, February 21, 2011  

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