Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rio Pacuare

Though there are still a couple unposted blogs in the bag, I thought I'd post something current. Since starting my current job last November, my eyes have been opened to a whole new world of activities. While I've never necessarily been opposed to the outdoors, I haven't exactly embraced it either. This job has changed all that. One activity I've started enjoying is whitewater rafting. I've had the opportunity now to raft three different rivers in Costa Rica. Yesterday was the famous Pacuare river, it's regularly named one of the top 10  rafting rivers in the world and was home of the 2011 International Rafting Federation's World Championships. And I got to raft it for FREE!!

 Me and Stepansk - ready to crush it!

 Stepansk puts on her game face.

The Lovely and amazing B-Pow guides the way for us. 

 Esquire did some tag-team guiding to help keep things fresh.

 We parked the boats for a few minutes to check out this waterfall...

 ...and go for swim in pool.

 We managed to swim up to the waterfall to snap this fun pic.

 This waterfall was NOT for swimming, but it was still pretty.

 B-Pow stands ready with a throw rope as students attempt to swim across the river. (Oh  yeah, there were students on our little adventure too. But we sent them in different raft!)

 Sad this didn't come out better, but this is Stepansk on impact after jumping off a rock into the river. Super fun.


 "Riding the Bull"

 Esquire impersonating a crocodile. 

B-Pow takes a relaxing swim.

Yay for weekend river trips in a raft full of staff. Apart from the mild sun burn and the bruises from when I "swam" in a "meat grinder" rapid, couLove it!!


Anonymous The Doctor said...

I love whitewater rafting. One of my all-time favorite memories is whitewater rafting down the Nahatlach river in Canada with my daughter. Also, "Candy" and I had an incredible whitewater rafting experience in Oregon. I am glad that you have started enjoying it!

8:11 AM, July 25, 2012  

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