Thursday, February 24, 2011
Grammar - uggggghhhhh!
Today was the worst TEFL day ever. We started grammar. In high school I took an English class from a grammar pirate. We took the test and I did miserably. It counted for a large portion of our grade for the grading period, so if we did poorly we were given the opportunity to retake the exact same test one week later. During that week the teacher stayed after school every day for 2 hours to work with us. I went everyday. I took the test again... and did WORSE!!! Me + grammar = disaster. We spent the ENTIRE class today on grammar, and Tuesday and Wednesday will be the same (today and Monday are teaching days).
Labels: TEFL
So class goes from "super awesome" to "the worst TEFL day ever." Better duck your head to keep from being hit by those mood swings!
Live strong, do not be discouraged!
You survived the Nazi, you can survive this too. Hang tough baby girl even if your fingernails bleed. Have faith.
Just keep at it, gal. You can do it!! I have great confidence in you!! Love you!
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